Stoic Week 2015 — Get Your Stoic On

For the fourth year running, the team at Stoicism Today is putting together Stoic Week. Running from November 2–November 8, this year’s event promises to focus on the meditations of Marcus Aurelius; perhaps the most famous practicing Stoic in history. Stoic Week is an online course, community and handbook that introduces participants to the foundations of Stoicism. There are also real-world events including Stoicon, the third “official” conference in London, and meetups in places like Portland, and Texas.

For me, especially this year, Stoic Week is an opportunity to hone my Stoic practices and try to form new habits. I have fallen out of habit over the past six–eight months in some way; so I hope to work hard at further integrating Stoicism into my daily life. Specifically, I am trying to meditate daily and write more.

I encourage anyone remotely interested in Stoicism to give Stoic Week a shot. It’s amazing how much this community has grown over the years; it is an incredibly diverse crowd and we have so much we can learn from each other.

To participate sign up at

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